Tag Archives: triple threat

The Glee Project

So far, we’ve seen two Glee Project winners make their grand entrances on the show.

But, apparently, ‘GLEE PROJECT 2’ is in casting at the moment.  

And, I’m wanting to help my friend, Matthew Cordon.

This guy is a triple threat. In case you aren’t up on your theatrical terms, it means he can ACT. DANCE. and SING. And he does all three extremely well.

I cast Matthew in a web series that sadly didn’t get off the ground. But, GLEE came around, and I knew he would be perfect for the show.  Click on this link —-> Matt Cordon and see his talent for yourself. Then be sure to ‘like’ the video.  I’m positive that if Matt gets on THE GLEE PROJECT, he’ll win the whole thing and bring a lot of entertainment to GLEE.

Thanks for reading.

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